Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana


Aulla is located in the heart of the Lunigiana at the confluence of the river Magra and the river Aulella. In ancient times the village was an important crossroads along the Via Francigena, a centre of pilgrimage and trade, as well as a strategic point for the defense of the roads that connected the Lucchesia and Liguria to the Cisa Pass. Aulla is home to the ancient Abbey of San Caprasio, built in 884, with the Museum of the Pilgrim that exhibits findings from recent archaeological excavations, including the tomb of the Saint. Another important monument is the Brunella Fortress: built in the sixteenth century, it offers an example of Renaissance military architecture and houses the Museum of Natural History.

Outside the historic centre of Aulla, you can visit charming hilltop villages such as Bibola (VII century), with the remains of the mighty castle, and Caprigliola (XII century) with its elegant cylindrical tower. In the hamlet of Pallerone, in addition to the castle, there is a suggestive mechanical crib, one of the oldest in Italy, with the possibility of exploring a museum dedicated to the nativity scenes of the past.


Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana

Lunigiana Region Union of Mountain Municipalities

Realised in collaboration with Regione Toscana
Toscana Promozione Turistica and Fondazione
Sistema Toscana.
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