Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana

Castiglione del Terziere Castle

The castle of Castiglione del Terziere, originally known as "dei Corbellari", changed its name in 1275 becoming "del Terziere" because it represented a third of the feudal possessions (from which Terziere) left by Obizzino Malaspina to his heirs. After being a strategic stronghold of Castruccio Castracani, lord of Lucca, and important administrative center of Florence, today it is private. Subjected to careful restoration, it serves as the headquarters for the Center of Humanistic Studies Nicholas V and the Free Chair of Philology and Vocal Polyphony, guarding a rich archive and library with ancient volumes.


Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana

Lunigiana Region Union of Mountain Municipalities

Realised in collaboration with Regione Toscana
Toscana Promozione Turistica and Fondazione
Sistema Toscana.
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