Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana


Pontremoli, located on the plateau surrounded by hills and mountains, is the northernmost town in Tuscany and one of the most characteristic jewels of Lunigiana. The city offers a journey through history between artistic memories and monuments, medieval bridges and paved streets so that historians often identify Pontremoli as the mythical Apua, ancient capital of the civilization of the Ligurians-Apuans.

Pontremoli houses in its Piagnaro Castle the Museum of Stele Statues, fascinating anthropomorphic sculptures dating from the Copper Age to the Romanization. The Duomo offers an interior illuminated to the "Ligurian" and decorated with polychrome marble altars. The Campanone, tower of the fourteenth century, is a symbol of the city and the ancient struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines. The Teatro dell'Accademia della Rosa, rococo and the oldest in the Apuan area. The Church of San Pietro, an ancient stage of the Via Francigena, testifies to the historic passage of pilgrims.
Outside the center, the Convent of the Santissima Annunziata, with its magnificent temple and its cloisters, is a jewel not to be missed.

Pontremoli is also the ideal starting point for nature lovers, with several historical streets (Via Francigena, Via del Volto Santo, Via degli Abati, Via de Monti de Pontremolo), hiking trails, and rivers that offer breathtaking views in unspoilt nature. Just along the river Magra and on the Via Francigena in Groppodalosio there is a picturesque Romanesque bridge of 1574. Among the natural treasures are the Straits of Giaredo, natural canyon where the stone was smoothed by the Gordana stream.


Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana

Lunigiana Region Union of Mountain Municipalities

Realised in collaboration with Regione Toscana
Toscana Promozione Turistica and Fondazione
Sistema Toscana.
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