Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana

Statue Stele Lunigianesi Museum

The “Museo delle Statue Stele” of Lunigiana, located in the Castle of Piagnaro in Pontremoli, houses a collection of testimonies of the ancient people who lived in Lunigiana. The Museum was founded thanks to the efforts of professor Augusto Cesare Ambrosi, who created the archaeological collection in the fifties and sixties, with the aim of gathering all the statues in a single exhibition venue. The Statue Stele, made between the fourth and first millennium BC, represent male and female human figures in abstract forms, carved in sandstone. These statues, characterized by "carabiniere hat" heads and U-shaped faces, were found inside the basin of the Magra river for a total of 80 finds divided into three groups according to the attributes represented in the stone. The statues had a cult function and were placed vertically in the ground, with carved details such as eyes, faces, clothes, necklaces and weapons.


Official website of Ambito Turistico Lunigiana

Lunigiana Region Union of Mountain Municipalities

Realised in collaboration with Regione Toscana
Toscana Promozione Turistica and Fondazione
Sistema Toscana.
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